Health and Public Safety

“In Order…to Insure Domestic Tranquility”- US Constitution

Health and Public Safety—vital services can no longer be taken for granted as the last few years have shown just how vital EMS services, garbage removal services, and public safety remain.

  • Led coalition to stabilize EMS services
  • Led the fight to get rid of Red River and restore reliable garbage service
  • Supported police by increasing salary 16% this term
  • Health and public safety have not been glamorous local issues, but the last few years have sure taught us how much “tranquility” is lost when local government “drops the ball.”

I still get a sick feeling in my stomach when I think that people in need of an ambulance were having to wait…and wait…and wait…while with their lives hung in the balance. When the director of TRAA, the ambulance service, and the City Administration would not disclose that an emergency had been declared because of the falling service levels, I felt that it was important for the Public to know and disclosed it. I led the call for new leadership, and I have continued to push County leaders to be part of the solution. This issue is not over—with new leadership the services are doing much better— more strong leadership will be required.

Also, who can forget the Red River debacle as trash laid around for weeks and weeks? I led the effort to dump Red River, the effort to fine Red River, and successfully shielded the ratepayer from large rate increases.

Public safety cannot be taken for granted either. Less and less good men and women want to be police officers, meaning recruiting and retaining quality people is more difficult. I am proud that we have increased the size of our police force, while also increasing their compensation approximately 16% this term.

To improve the quality of our policing, I am proud to have co-sponsored the City’s body camera ordinance. Body cameras protect the officers and the public.