
“All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing” -Edmund Burke

I am honored to represent you on City Council. I love Fort Wayne, and I wake up every day excited about participating in shaping its future.

Fort Wayne is where I was born and grew up. This City is where I chose to begin my career, where Monica and I chose to live after we were married, and where we are raising our family. I want to do everything I can to ensure my kids grow up in a vibrant City with abundant opportunities to be successful.

Our nation’s future– our own well being, and our children’s destinies are being threatened. The decisions of both our local and federal governments are at the core of those pressures. Now that we have made strides towards addressing the encroachments on a national level, we must also focus on restoring responsible government on a local level. This is the passion that drives me to serve my community.

My focus remains the same: support health and public safety, be fiscally responsible with tax dollars, strengthen the economy, establish a more favorable business climate that will spur job creation, and invest more in our neighborhoods.